vendredi 18 mai 2007

Mum... I'm hungry!!!

First, I want say a big thanks to people who gave me help and information on how to feed and grow a small crow.
I phoned to a wildlife rehabilitator that wasn’t too far from here and they told me they are already with too many birds and no place enough to take care for more…
So I became the new mum of this “little bird”. Baby crow is growing quickly and asks for more and more food; he is also trying to spread his wings and to play with them…

Mum... I'm hungry!!!
I'm hungry!!!

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

What a fantastic picture. He's so cute! I will follow your blogposts about him. I just love crows. They are often so misunderstood because they are black, but they are in fact very wise and sweet. Enjoy your time with him or her? LOL. Do you already have a name for him/her? You can search for crow on and there you can see lovely little movies of crows too. One is that a crow goes in a bathtub. The love to splash in water!


Conni a dit…

Sweet baby! Crows are extremely intelligent, wonderful birds... I will enjoy watching his progress. Best wishes!

BöskeZ a dit…

Yes, we gave "her" (I'm not sure but... ;o) a name :
We will see if "she" loves it or not?!

BöskeZ a dit…

The best way to feed them is to give them cat food indeed^^
Some times I added boiled eggs finelly chopped, tuna aswell and rughly chopped seeds (corn, sunflower or others). don't forget to give fruits or some vegetables^^ they are all-eating ;o) they also love some meat. but cat food is very balanced if you give them some apples or others on the side.
they have to drink a lot, but they will "tell" you ;o)
These are very intelligent birds^^ you'll have a lot of pleasure with them!!! Good luck

BöskeZ a dit…

Please don't forget to give me some news ;o)